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Singapore switches off — A "circuit breaker" comes on

Singapore switches off — A "circuit breaker" comes on


Extract from Author

In a country where business and busy-ness is ubiquitous, the concept of empty spaces seems alien - one that has taken Singaporeans some time to adjust to. Like clockwork, crowds flock to malls, workers troop to work, students trudge to school, old people head out to sit in parks and void decks to socialise and play chess. Singapore never truly goes to sleep. When one part rests, another rouses and a quiet buzz slowly builds into a din.

Photographed by
Matthew Mohan
Jeremy Long
Marcus Mark Ramos
Nurul Huda Zubir

31 May 2020

Merit Award, Visual

Singaporean Youths Will Come Out Of Circuit Breaker Completely Changed. Here’s Why.

Singaporean Youths Will Come Out Of Circuit Breaker Completely Changed. Here’s Why.

Covid-19 pandemic shows children's well-being and success depend on more than just what happens in school

Covid-19 pandemic shows children's well-being and success depend on more than just what happens in school