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At breaking point: Singapore's migrant workers struggle with isolation, anxiety amid COVID-19 curbs

At breaking point: Singapore's migrant workers struggle with isolation, anxiety amid COVID-19 curbs


Extract from Author

More than three weeks after the sudden death of his older brother, Govindaraj Murugesan is still trying to find the answers.

“My friend called me about 830, 845am. He said, your brother (Govindaraj Veerasamy) is hanging in the kitchen area,” said the 32-year-old, who hails from Thanjavur in Tamil Nadu and has been working in Singapore for a decade.

Author’s Reflection

What is your personal takeaway from your SOAP story?
Over 14 years in journalism, I have seen a positive evolution in Singaporeans’ attitudes towards migrant workers. It has gone from almost disdain to very much one of empathy, and this particular story struck a chord in many Yahoo readers. All across the world, migrant and blue-collar communities have borne the brunt of the pandemic, and Singapore is no different. But readers’ reactions to the story have shown me that the awareness of and empathy towards migrant workers, are greater than ever.

Now that your story has been published for some time, do you have any reflections to share post-publishing?
While Singapore appears to have come to grips with the pandemic, migrant workers still face significant restrictions on their movements. While there have not been significant reports of violence or suicides in the dorms, it is incumbent upon all of us to monitor the situation and continue to enquire after their welfare. It is my fervent hope that we will emerge from the pandemic as a society that treats such workers with greater decency and respect.

What did you hope to convey to readers through this story?
I hoped that Singaporeans would realise that, as onerous and vexatious as the lockdown was, there were many in the country who were suffering even more

How do you feel for being recognised for your work?
I am honoured and flattered, and hope to produce even better work

Written by
Nicholas Yong,

6 August 2020

Merit Award, Story

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